Tuesday 1 May 2012

Plan for Boards

To begin creating my presentation boards, I sketched a few images of what I wanted my boards to look like.

Saturday 28 April 2012

existing advertisement

Since I have to Produce two A3 Boards to present my design I looked at some existing advertisements in Magazines.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

My design

I am very pleased with the way my design turned out, My initial idea was to produce a design which looked unstable and weathered so it would cause the user to be weary about sitting down on it, but throughout the development of my chair i began disliking that concept. The concept i came u with was to produce a design which incorporated fixtures and fittings which made the chair look expensive, precise and balanced, I took the inspiration from Old Brass instruments used by scientists to make very precise observations. I think that the red stained wood fits the brass colour fixings very well and gives the design a subtle Steampunk look.


The Back And the seat would be constructed from stained red layered plywood as this is much lighter than the hard woods that it is imitating, The fixings would be constructed from cast steel and finished to look like light quality brass. The legs of the chair and the supporting beam will be constructed from steel tubes which have been welded together.


  • The brass strap which secures the seat will be produced and slid down the legs
  • The legs will then be bent into shape
  • The supporting beam will be welded to both of the legs
  • The seat will then be inserted into one of the straps
  • The seat will then be bend down at the other strap is rotated over the top of the other side
  • The seat will then be secured to the support beam on the underside
  • The fixings between the back and the seat will then be slid up the legs, rotated and secured to the seat
  • the back will then slip down onto the fixing and secured from the back
  • the leather strap containing the model number will then be fitted to two buttons on the right side

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Adding value

To add some value to my design that will make the user feel a connection to the design to decided to add a Leather strap to the back of the chair which has the number of the chair pressed into it, Im hoping that this feature will make the user feel their chair is unique.

texture for the strap

Thursday 5 April 2012

Final Development Sketches

Overall I really like the design of my chair apart from the fixing that attaches the seat to the back, I decided to do some more development sketching for the fixing.

Monday 2 April 2012

Subtle Changes to Form

Whilst my Model was in Auto Desk Maya I used the Lattice tool to subtly change the shape and angle of the legs of my chair.

From changing the form of my chair i decided having the legs slightly bent back compliments the form of the chair better.